4.24. capsim: Simulating the Dynamics of Targeted Capture Sequencing with CapSim

capsim (jsa.sim.capsim) is a tool to simulate target capture sequencing. Its simulates the dynamics of capture process

4.24.1. Synopsis

jsa.sim.capsim: Simulate capture sequencing

4.24.2. Usage

jsa.sim.capsim [options]

4.24.3. Options

--reference=s Name of genome to be (REQUIRED)
--probe=s File containing probes mapped to the reference in bam format (default=’null’)
--logFile=s Log file (default=’-‘)
--ID=s A unique ID for the data set (default=’‘)
--miseq=s Name of read file if miseq is simulated (default=’null’)
--pacbio=s Name of read file if pacbio is simulated (default=’null’)
--fmedian=i Median of fragment size at shearing (default=‘2000’)
--fshape=d Shape parameter of the fragment size distribution (default=‘6.0’)
--smedian=i Median of fragment size distribution (default=‘1300’)
--sshape=d Shape parameter of the fragment size distribution (default=‘6.0’)
--tmedian=i Median of target fragment size (the fragment size of the data). If specified, will override fmedian and smedian. Othersise will be estimated (default=‘0’)
--tshape=d Shape parameter of the effective fragment size distribution (default=‘0.0’)
--num=i Number of fragments (default=‘1000000’)
--pblen=i PacBio: Average (polymerase) read length (default=‘30000’)
--illen=i Illumina: read length (default=‘300’)
--ilmode=s Illumina: Sequencing mode: pe = paired-end, mp=mate-paired and se=singled-end (default=’pe’)
--seed=i Random seed, 0 for a random seed (default=‘0’)
--help Display this usage and exit (default=’false’)

4.24.4. Usage samples