4.18. npScarf: real-time scaffolder using SPAdes contigs and Nanopore sequencing reads

npScarf (jsa.np.npscarf) is a program that connect contigs from a draft genomes to generate sequences that are closer to finish. These pipelines can run on a single laptop for microbial datasets. In real-time mode, it can be integrated with simple structural analyses such as gene ordering, plasmid forming.

npScarf is included in the Japsa package.

4.18.1. Synopsis

jsa.np.npscarf: Experimental Scaffold and finish assemblies using Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads

4.18.2. Usage

jsa.np.npscarf [options]

4.18.3. Options

--seqFile=s Name of the assembly file (sorted by length) (REQUIRED)
--input=s Name of the input file, - for stdin (REQUIRED)
--format=s Format of the input: fastq/fasta or sam/bam (REQUIRED)
--index Whether to index the contigs sequence by the aligner or not. (default=’true’)
--bwaExe=s Path to bwa (default=’bwa’)
--bwaThread=i Theads used by bwa (default=‘4’)
--long Whether report all sequences, including short/repeat contigs (default) or only long/unique/completed sequences. (default=’false’)
--spadesDir=s Name of the output folder by SPAdes: assembly graph and paths will be used for better gap-filling. (default=’null’)
--prefix=s Prefix for the output files (default=’out’)
--genes=s Realtime annotation: name of annotated genes in GFF 3.0 format (default=’null’)
--resistGene=s Realtime annotation: name of antibiotic resistance gene fasta file (default=’null’)
--insertSeq=s Realtime annotation: name of IS fasta file (default=’null’)
--oriRep=s Realtime annotation: name of fasta file containing possible origin of replication (default=’null’)
--minContig=i Minimum contigs length that are used in scaffolding. (default=‘300’)
--maxRepeat=i Maximum length of repeat in considering species. (default=‘7500’)
--cov=d Expected average coverage of Illumina, <=0 to estimate (default=‘0.0’)
--qual=i Minimum quality (default=‘1’)
--support=i Minimum supporting long read needed for a link between markers (default=‘1’)
--realtime Process in real-time mode. Default is batch mode (false) (default=’false’)
--read=i Minimum number of reads between analyses (default=‘50’)
--time=i Minimum number of seconds between analyses (default=‘10’)
--verbose Turn on debugging mode (default=’false’)
--help Display this usage and exit (default=’false’)

4.18.5. Usage examples

A summary of npScarf usage can be obtained by invoking the –help option:

jsa.np.npscarf --help Input

npScarf takes two files as required input:

jsa.np.npscarf -seq <draft> -input <nanopore>

<draft> input is the FASTA file containing the pre-assemblies. Normally this is the output from running SPAdes on Illumina MiSeq paired end reads.

<nanopore> is either the long reads in FASTA/FASTQ file or SAM/BAM formated alignments between them to <draft> file. We use BWA-MEM as the recommended aligner with the fixed parameter set as follow:

bwa mem -k11 -W20 -r10 -A1 -B1 -O1 -E1 -L0 -a -Y <draft> <nanopore> > <bam>

The input file format is specified by option –format. The default is FASTA/FASTQ in which the path to BWA version 0.7.11 or newer is required. Remember to always INDEXING the reference before running BWA:

bwa index <draft>

Missing this step would break down the whole pipeline. Output

npScarf output is specified by -prefix option. The default prefix is ‘out’. Normally the tool generate two files: prefix.fin.fasta and prefix.fin.japsa which indicate the result scaffolders in FASTA and JAPSA format.

In realtime mode, if any annotation analysis is enabled, a file named prefix.anno.japsa is generated instead. This file contains features detected after scaffolding. Real-time scaffolding

To run npScarf in streaming mode:

jsa.np.npscarf -realtime [options]

In this mode, the <bam> file will be processed block by block. The size of block (number of BAM/SAM records) can be manipulated through option -read and -time.

The idea of streaming mode is when the input <nanopore> file is retrieved in stream. npReader is the module that provides such data from fast5 files returned from the real-time base-calling cloud service Metrichor. Ones can run:

jsa.np.npreader -realtime -folder c:\Downloads\ -fail -output - | \
  jsa.np.npscarf --realtime -bwaExe=<path_to_BWA> -bwaThread=10 -input - -seq <draft> > log.out 2>&1

For the same purpose, you can also invoke BWA-MEM explicitly as in the old version of npScarf, In this case, option –format=SAM must be presented as follow:

jsa.np.npreader -realtime -folder c:Downloads-fail -output - |
bwa mem -t 10 -k11 -W20 -r10 -A1 -B1 -O1 -E1 -L0 -a -Y -K 3000 <draft> - 2> /dev/null | jsa.np.npscarf –realtime -input - -format=SAM -seq <draft> > log.out 2>&1

or if you have the whole set of Nanopore long reads already and want to emulate the streaming mode:

jsa.np.timeEmulate -s 100 -i <nanopore> -output - | \
  jsa.np.npscarf --realtime -bwaExe=<path_to_BWA> -bwaThread=10 -input - -seq <draft> > log.out 2>&1

Note that jsa.np.timeEmulate based on the field timestamp located in the read name line to decide the order of streaming data. So if your input <nanopore> already contains the field, you have to sort it:

jsa.seq.sort -i <nanopore> -o <nanopore-sorted> -sortKey=timestamp

or if your file does not have the timestamp data yet, you can manually make ones. For example:

cat <nanopore> | \
   awk 'BEGIN{time=0.0}NR%4==1{printf "%s timestamp=%.2f\n", $0, time; time++}NR%4!=1{print}' \
   > <*nanopore-with-time*> Real-time annotation

The tool includes usecase for streaming annotation. Ones can provides database of antibiotic resistance genes and/or Origin of Replication in FASTA format for the analysis of gene ordering and/or plasmid identifying respectively:

jsa.np.timeEmulate -s 100 -i <nanopore> -output - | \
  jsa.np.npscarf --realtime -bwaExe=<path_to_bwa> -input - -seq <draft> -resistGene <resistDB> -oriRep <origDB> > log.out 2>&1 Assembly graph

npScarf can read the assembly graph info from SPAdes to make the results more precise. The results might be slightly deviate from the old version in term of number of final contigs:

jsa.np.npscarf --spadesFolder=<SPAdes_output_directory> <options...>

where SPAdes_output_directory indicates the result folder of SPAdes, containing files such as contigs.fasta, contigs.paths and assembly_graph.fastg.