4.10. jsa.hts.errorAnalysis: Error analysis of sequencing data

jsa.hts.errorAnalysis assesses the error profile of sequencing data by getting the numbers of errors (mismatches, indels etc) from a bam file. Obviously, it does not distinguish sequencing errors from mutations, and hence consider mutations as errors. It is best to use with the bam file from aligning sequencing reads to a reliable assembly of the sample.

4.10.1. Synopsis

jsa.hts.errorAnalysis: Error analysis of sequencing data

4.10.2. Usage

jsa.hts.errorAnalysis [options]

4.10.3. Options

--bamFile=s Name of bam file (REQUIRED)
--reference=s Name of reference genome (REQUIRED)
--pattern=s Pattern of read name, used for filtering (default=’null’)
--qual=i Minimum quality required (default=‘0’)
--help Display this usage and exit (default=’false’)